
Individual Membership Registration

Join us today to network with peers, coordinate projects and initiatives of interest to your organization, and advance the cause of bioethics in Canada!

Membership Registration

Preview Form

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Less than $35,000M










More than $150,000

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I would like to purchase a membership for

I am currently a


*A Full-Time Undergraduate Or Graduate Student Working Towards A Degree

Recent graduate, post doc, trainee or fellow

*A recent graduate is defined as 2 years following a completed degree

Person in my 5 years of practice
Person with up to 15 years of practice
Person with over 15 years of practice
Retired person

Please select one professional background with which you most identify

Health Law
Health-Related Research
Public Policy
Research Ethics
Social Sciences

Please select one aspect of bioethics that reflects your primary interest or work focus

Academic Ethics
Research Ethics
Policy and Organizational Ethics
General Interest

Please select all that apply your areas of interest

Are you willing to be contacted by the media on topics related to your areas of interest, as identified above?


We circulate a quarterly newsletter and occasional updates about matters of interest in Canadian bioethics to CBS members.

  • To Opt-Out of the CBS member mailing list, please select here

All CBS members will be entered into the membership directory, accessible only by CBS members

  • To Opt-Out of the Membership Directory, please select here

CBS members have the option of automatically renewable membership fees. Members will be sent advanced notice of their membership renewal and a receipt to confirm payment of annual membership fees.